Saturday, September 13, 2008

Your Friendly Neighborhood Who?

In the middle of working on a new commission piece.

I literally think that this is the first time that I've drawn Spider-Man since i was about 10 years old.

And I actually remember the costume without reference. Scary.


Marty Nozz said...

Great piece.

I'm the same with ol Spidey. Haven't read a comic of his in over a decade. Haven't drawn him for longer than that. However I can still remember every detail of the costume.

I just blame too many cartoons as a kid.

inkdestroyedmybrush said...

yeah, all those webs and the ross andru artwork seared into my brain. My best friend commented last night, "I don't think I've EVER seen you draw Spider-man" and he's known me since I was about 12....

thanks. more to post later today...