The penciller in me enjoys the establishing shot in the first panel, and how dropping the border on the second brings our attention from the prone Tony Stark to his cousin, Midas and Madame Masque. Excellent technique in leading the eye.
Take a good look at the delicate inking on Tony's face in panel 2 or the face of Madame Masque in panel 3. George wouldn't get any inking that delicate for the next 20 years or so. And its a shame.
For me, Tuska was one of those guys like Don Heck or Alex Toth whose work I didn't like as a kid/teen but really grew to appreciate and respect the more I learned about comics. He was a solid storyteller and one of those guys who just got the job done. Looking at your page and some others that have been posted with his obits, I see a lot more Gene Colan in his style than I ever noticed before. That's a big compliment in my book.
might be because of his following Colan's long run on IM....
That's probably because it was inked by Johnny Craig who also inked Colan towards the end of his, i.e., Colan's, run on the character.
Tuska's work did suffer without Craig.
very true. The Iron Man series through the teens (#11-#18) is literally better than anything produced on the series til the Mantlo run in the #96-107 period. Thats a looooon time to go between good periods.
And that teens run was great in a large part because of Craig. He was a great professional and very talented.
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