Monday, December 27, 2010

Blown Away: the Tanuka's Hard Apple

I hate them.

The Tanukas that is. Asaf and Tomer.

I first fell in love with their work in small spot illos in the New Yorker. I was clipping them and putting them up on the idea wall in my studio. I soon realized that i totally dug their aesthetic. It was Jewish and unorthodox with regards to color and visual viewpoint.

Now I've been working on crime comics now for about 2 years and made some progress, but then Asaf and Tomer come along with some bad ass character designs and stunning panels on a Jerome Charyn adaption and blow me the fuck out of the water.


Dan said...

Not sure if you saw this, but they also do comics!

inkdestroyedmybrush said...

Yes, dammit, I did. And there is a great Tor comic that i need to link to on their site as well.

Dan said...

Haven't found that yet, but I'm still going though it all... damn, even their "Tropical Toxic" header is gorgeous when you get right down to it.