The final scan of the Michael Golden piece before taking the thing to Super Con today in San Jose. Convention season is clearly rolling along through most of the country, and I'm looking forward to getting a chance to check out the new small press and indy stuff as well as meeting a few old friends down at the convention.
Michael's piece is amazing, with some awesome half tones that needed delicate treatment to make the art work. Come on down to Super Con and see the original!
Edit: the winning bidder was
Blue Moon Comics in Novato CA. Go on by and tell Sam and Kyle that you want to see the Golden piece. Its up in the shop!
...and remind me again just why exactly are you no longer working in the industry?
Amazing job!
thanks. the original should have been auctioned off today at 2pm. I'll be curious to see what michael and adam thought of the pieces (if anything) when next i talk to steve.
oh yeah, I wasn't able to work with guys that could pencil like hughes and golden most of my career. sadly.
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